One summer I had an Israeli camp counselor (hebrew=madricha) staying with us for a few days while she worked at our local Jewish Community Center camp. She helped us make falafel for dinner (note: for fast falafel, she told me to use the Osem packaged mix...
Cucumber (regular or long, skinny English kind)
Tomato (I prefer Roma, but any will do)
Onion (Yellow or White probably best)
Lemon Juice (fresh squeezed best)
Salt (preferably Kosher)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
MMWM Note: The amounts above vary according to how much you want to make. There are plenty of Israeli salad recipes online if you want to use an exact recipe. Other recipes can include other ingredients such as parsley, pepper, etc.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
MMWM Note: The amounts above vary according to how much you want to make. There are plenty of Israeli salad recipes online if you want to use an exact recipe. Other recipes can include other ingredients such as parsley, pepper, etc.
Dice cucumber into little square pieces. If you are using a regular cucumber, make sure to get the seeds out first. You can peel the cucumber before you chop if you'd like, or leave the peels on...whatever you prefer. Dice tomatoes into little square pieces too...again, make sure you get any seeds out. Dice onions into little square pieces (no seeds in onions so you're okay there). Put all of these chopped pieces together into a bowl. Add lemon juice, olive oil, and salt to the bowl...the amounts vary according to taste.
Photo from (also some good information about Israeli salad here).