Friday, December 6, 2013

Meat Loaf Cupcakes

Meat cupcakes--I had to make these!  This recipe is from this book that I picked up from Barnes & Noble's Bargain Book section...

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9781450851268
  • Publisher: Publications International
  • Publication date: 11/15/2012

Here is a photo of the recipe in the book (sideways--that's the way it goes, folks)...

My ingredient substitutions:
Instead of 3 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped, I substituted three (well, four just in case--ended up with a bunch of extra potato but it was okay...used it as a side) medium sweet potatoes.  Also used egg whites (3 Tbsp=1 egg) instead of an egg, and unsweetened almond milk instead of whole milk.

Instruction modifications:
1.  Instead of peeling and chopping the potatoes before boiling, I plunked them into a pot whole...when they were soft, I pulled them out and dunked them in/put them under running cool water and the peels slipped right off.  Put the unpeeled potatoes into a bowl and mashed them (with a hand masher) with the other ingredients to make the potato topping (rather than using an electric mixer).
2.  Instead of putting the meat into cups, I put them directly into a non-stick cupcake baking tin/pan--meat mix divided nicely into twelve "cupcakes."
3.  I used a decorating device to pipe the mashed potato topping onto the cupcakes instead of a pastry bag.

Ta da--presenting my meat loaf cupcakes!  Tasty!

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